select arrparentid from shyl_nav where id = 76 limit 0,1
- 服务区域:
select * from shyl_nav where parentid=111 order by order_list asc,id asc limit 0,1000
select * from shyl_nav where parentid=152 order by order_list asc,id asc limit 0,1000
- 服务类型:
select * from shyl_nav where parentid=1 order by order_list asc,id asc limit 0,100
select arrparentid from shyl_nav where id = 76 limit 0,1Say:
select * from shyl_xinxifabu where navid in (76) and areasou like '%|152|%'Say:
select * from shyl_xinxifabu where navid in (76) and areasou like '%|152|%' order by paixu asc,id desc limit 0,4
select arrparentid from shyl_nav where id = 76 limit 0,1Say:
select * from shyl_xinxifabu where navid in (76) and areasou like '%|152|%'Say:
select * from shyl_xinxifabu where navid in (76) and areasou like '%|152|%' order by paixu asc,id desc limit 0,4
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- 找专业对口的,精准!
- 找能力擅长的,放心!
- 找案例匹配的,靠谱!